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    来源: 本站

    报告人:兰州大学 安钧鸿 教授

    报告题目:Nonequilibrium quantum phase transition induced by periodic driving



    报告摘要:Periodic driving has become one highly versatile tool in quantum control.  Many efforts have be devoted to explore non-trivial effects induced by periodic driving on quantum systems.  In this talk, I will first report that interesting nonequilibrium quantum phase transitions (QPTs) can be triggered by engineering non-trivial band-gap structure and midgap bound state in Floquet quasi-energy spectrum using periodic driving.  I will clarify this idea by two examples.  One is to induce more colorful topological QPT in one-dimensional Kitaev model and in two-dimensional Haldane model by periodic driving.  A tunable number of topologically protected Majorana edge modes can be generated in Kitaev model by a well-designed periodic driving, which may supply a novel way to identify the topological phase of the system.  The topological insulator phases with large and widely tunable Chern numbers can be triggered in the Haldane model by periodic driving.  Another is to induce non-equilibrium QPT in the system consisting of a spin interacting with a spin bath by periodic driving.  It is found that whenever the QPT manifested by the formation of a midgap state in the Floquet quasienergy spectrum occurs, the decoherence of the spin induced by the spin bath can be suppressed.  This opens a door to control decoherence by periodic driving.

    报告人简介:安钧鸿,博士生导师。2005年获得兰州大学物理科学与技术学院博士,并同年按兰州大学萃英计划引进人才计划(副教授)留校工作,2006年4月至2007 年7月在台湾成功大学量子资讯中心从事博士后,2007年10月至2008年9月和2009年9月至2010年9月在新加坡国立大学物理系从事研究员,2011年1月至7月和2012年4月至7月在新加坡国立大学量子技术中心从事访问研究员;2011年5月受聘为教授;2013年入选教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划。主要从事量子光学、量子信息及非平衡量子统计动力学研究。当前研究工作主要集中在:结构环境中的开放量子系统的非马尔科夫退相干动力学及其控制、周期性驱动诱导的新型量子相变和拓扑相变、量子淬火下的非平衡统计动力学以及量子效应的经典光学模拟等方面研究。