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    报告人:Dongxu Yang 杨东旭

    单位:Nanoscale Physics Research Laboratory, School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham, B15 2TT, UK

    报告人简介:杨东旭,于2011年毕业于beat365在线登录平台应用物理系。现于英国伯明翰大学攻读博士学位。主要研究方向是用于电子束以及极深紫外光刻的新型的小分子光刻胶。Email: DXY146@bham.ac.uk




    As the microlithography exposure tools continuously have moved to shorter radiation wavelengths to meet the resolution requirements, the performance of resist materials under high-energy exposures such as extreme ultraviolet (EUV), x-ray and electron beam has attracted strong interest. A family of fullerene based negative tone chemically amplified e-beam and EUV resists, using industry compatible solvents, has been developed. A sensitivity of ~40 μC cm-2 was achieved at 20 keV. Isolated features with a line width of 13.6 nm as well as ~20 nm lines on a 36 nm pitch have been patterned, whilst one variant has demonstrated resolution to 15 nm half-pitch at slightly higher dose.

    We also present an investigation into the enhancement of secondary electron generation in resist films by incorporation of a platinum complex into the base material of a fullerene molecular resist. AC-STEM imaging has been used to confirm that the platinum is well distributed in the film with no apparent aggregation. A sensitivity study showed that the incorporation of platinum significantly increased the sensitivity by a factor of 3.7 at 20kV electron beam. With 30kV e-beam exposure, dense lines with pitch size down to 28 nm were successfully resolved for both the platinum containing fullerene and the control material, showing no resolution loss introduced by the incorporation of platinum. This material has the capability of patterning novel metal containing carbon nano-structures.



        由于微钠光刻对分辨率要求的提高,曝光光源的波长也持续缩短。因此,光刻胶材料在高能照射源,例如极深紫外(EUV),X射线以及电子束辐照下的性能也引起了大量的关注。在此我们研发了一系列的基于富勒烯衍生物的负性化学放大极深紫外以及电子束光刻胶。该类型的光刻胶适于工业上常用的溶剂。此类光刻胶在20 keV的电子束照射下可达到~40 μC cm-2的灵敏度。在分辨率测试中,该光刻胶得到了宽度约为13.6 nm的独立线结构以及在36 nm周期的密集线结构图样中得到了约20 nm的线宽。其中一个型号的该类光刻胶甚至达到了15 nm半周期的密集线结构的分辨率。但其灵敏度有所下降。

        此外,我们还研发了一种含有金属铂的富勒烯络合物分子光刻胶,并探究了其可能对薄膜中二次电子产值的增强作用。带相差矫正的扫描透射电子显微镜(AC-STEM)的成像显示,在光刻胶的薄膜中,铂原子均为单原子独立分散的分布,而没有出现聚集现象。灵敏度分析显示,铂原子的引入使得光刻胶在20 keV电子束下的灵敏度提高了3.7倍。在30 keV电子束下,含铂及不含铂的富勒烯光刻胶样品均成功得到了28 nm周期的密集线结构,证明了铂的参入没有降低其分辨率。该种光刻胶可以形成独特的含金属的碳纳米结构。