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    报告时间: 2015年1月30日 上午 10:00- 12:00

    报告地点: beat365在线登录平台物理馆一楼103会议厅

    报告题目:新丝绸之路与新文艺复兴: 21世纪及以后的大学发展趋势

    座谈会时间: 2015年1月30日 下午 14:30-18:00

    座谈会地点: beat365在线登录平台物理馆一楼103会议厅


    简历摘要: 美籍华人冯达旋教授是世界著名的理论核物理学家,是具有东西方大学教学、科研管理和办学经验的高级专家。他现在是澳门大学全球事務總監兼校長特別助理,曾任美国德克萨斯大学达拉斯分校负责科研的副校长、台湾成功大学执行副校长、台湾清华大学(新竹)高级副校长。冯达旋教授此次来访beat365在线登录平台的意向是:商讨澳门大学与beat365在线登录平台的教学与科研合作,办学经验的交流,学生交流,教学、科研人员交流与合作等。


    Dr. Da Hsuan Feng is currently Special Assistant to the Rector (President) and Director of Global Affairs (全球事務總監兼校長特別助理) of the University of Macau The University of Macau is undoubtedly one of the fastest, if not the fastest growing universities in Asia Pacific today.He received his physics BA and Ph.D. from Drew University (1968) and the University of Minnesota (1972) respectively. Prior to joining Drexel University in 1976, where in 1990 he became the M. Russell Wehr Chair Professor, Feng was a UK Science Research Council postdoctoral fellow at U of Manchester and senior research scientist of the University of Texas at Austin. During his tenureat Drexel, he served for two years as NSF Program Director of Theoretical Physics and visiting professor of Niels Bohr Institute and Daresbury Laboratory, respectively. On December 9, 2000, Feng assumed the Vice President for Research and Professor of Physics at the University of Texas at Dallas. Feng’s objective at UT Dallas was to enhance UT Dallas’ quality research breath and depth and expand the university’s research reputation globally. Under his leadership, UT Dallas research portfolio was significantly enhanced and research expenditure grew from $10 Million when he arrived to nearly $50 million when he completed his term in 2007.From 2007until now, Da Hsuan Feng made a monumental change in his career and climbed a steep intellectual learning curve and came to Taiwan for seven years and now in Macau as a senior administrator of three elite universities. Between 2007 and 2011, he was the Senior Executive Vice President position of National Cheng Kung University (NCKU). NCKU is one of the two comprehensive universities in Taiwan. In NCKU, he was able to upgrade the local mindset of the community to one with global flavor and increase the NCKU’s global connectivity. From 2011 to 2014, he was Senior Vice President of National Tsing Hua University (NTHU), with a portfolio which is unique in Taiwan, namely, global strategy, planning and evaluation. With this portfolio, and the fact that NTHU is the most open minded research university in Taiwan and carries deep lineage with Mainland’s Tsinghua University, he was able to vastly expand the university engagement globally. The mindset ofNTHU prior to his arrival is already relatively global in flavor, therefore it was relatively easy to greatly increase its unprecedented, deep and ubiquitous intellectual relations beyond the normal United States connection, with India, Indonesia, Israel, Malaysia, Mainland China, Canada, United Kingdom, Hong Kong, and Macau. NTHU is also the first Taiwan’s university to establish sustainable “co-education” programs with five world class universities in the form of “dual-doctorate degrees.” Da Hsuan Feng also initiated the first Taiwan university’s effort to recruit United States students as undergraduates. He is also pioneering the effort for Taiwan universities to be completely autonomous. He now serves on numerous Taiwan’s national committees on education as well as government policies and is now delivering widely in Asia and North America speeches on higher education impacts and responsibilities in the 21st century.

    In 96, “for (his) outstanding contributions to the understanding of nuclear structure physics, particularly for the applications of the coherent states to physics and nuclear physics,” Feng received the accolade Fellow of the American Physical Society. He also received the “friendship award” from Taiwan’s Chung Yuan University and is the honorary professor of thirteen Chinese universities which included Peking Union Medical College and Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Applied Physics. Feng was a consultant for three National Laboratories in the United States, Los Alamos, Oak Ridge and Brookhaven and UK’s Daresbury Laboratory. In 2003, he was appointed as honorary Board of Trustee of Nanjing University, and from 2005-2007, he was a member of CellStar Board of Directors, a $1 Billion annual revenue global handset distribution company. Feng’s other honors include: Special advisor Korean American Science and Technology Network, a member of the Computer Science/Engineering Evaluation Task Force (98) of the U of South Carolina, a member of the US Department of Education (00’) Field Initiated Studies Technology Panel, and a member of the National Defense Industrial Association Science and Engineering Technology Executive Committee.

    Today, he is a member of the Board of Trustees of Shantou University, Advisory Board Member of Malaysia’s Universiti Teknologi Petronas, Advisory Board Member of Indonesia’s Binus University, Academic Board Member of Elsevier Corporation. He is also an Advisory Board Member of Taiwan’s Tunghai University and currently is a member of the Presidential Search Committee of National Quemoy University.


