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    Seminar Talk at CTP-SCU / 理论物理中心学术报告

    [Title / 报告题目]

    Gravitational Wave: a probe into the physics in the early universe

    [Speaker / 报告人]

    Qingguo HUANG, Resercher (Professor) / 黄庆国 研究员
    Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences / 中国科学院理论物理研究所
    [Time / 时间]

    16:00, 21 May 2015 / 2015年5月21日下午16点

    [Venue / 会场]

    Physics Building room 220 / 物理馆220室

    [Abstract / 摘要]


    [About the Speaker / 报告人简介]

    2000年毕业于中国科学技术大学近代物理系,获学士学位。2004年于中国科学院理论物理研究所获博士学位。自2004年7月起,先后于中国科学院理论交叉研究中心和韩国高等研究院从事博士后研究员研究工作。2010年3月入选中国科学院“引进国外杰出人才计划(百人计划)”回国工作。2011年获“中国科学院卢嘉锡青年人才奖”。2013年入选中国科学院北京分院“启明星”优秀人才 ,获国家自然科学基金委“优秀青年科学基金”资助。研究涉及宇宙学及相关基础物理。主要的研究领域包括早期宇宙物理,暗能量以及量子引力理论中的一些概念性问题等。已发表论文60余篇,被他人引用1900余次。

    [Research Area / 研究领域]

    * Physics of the early universe [The departure of the CMB from exact Gaussianity has become one of the best measured parameters in cosmology.  Nowadays non-Gaussianity becomes a focal point for the confrontation between observation and fundamental theory.  The detection of the local form bispectrum and/or trispectrum will rule out all single field inflation models.  It has a profound implication for the physics of the early universe.]

    * Nature of dark energy [Dark energy is one of the biggest puzzles and deepest mysteries in modern physics.  It might be fair to say that theorists do not have any clue as to where dark energy comes from, and how to compute it from first principles.]

    * Quantum gravity [A full quantum theory of gravity has not been formulated.  It is worthy figuring out some insights coming from the marriage of gravity and quantum mechanism, such as the weak gravity conjecture.]