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    An introduction to charmonium production and polarization at hadron colliders


    来源: 本站

    Abstract: I will review the recent progress on J/Ψ polarization puzzle,
    especially the impact of ηchadroproduction data on charmonium production and polarization.
    As an interesting application, J/Ψsuppression serves as a signal for the existence of quark-gluon plasma.
    Color-glass-condensate associated with the nonrelativistic QCD provide a comprehensive description of
    J/Ψproduction in both pp and pA collisions.

    Speaker: 张鸿飞
    Affiliation: 重庆邮电大学
    Profile: 张鸿飞博士现从事量子色动力学的研究,特别是非相对论量子色动力学对重夸克偶素产生和极化的理论研究,
    并对QCD高阶修正计算方法和计算程序有深入探索并完成了国际领先的计算程序。现已在Physical Review Letters杂志发表论文3篇。