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    Seminar Talk at CTP-SCU / 理论物理中心学术报告

    Speaker: Dr. Ya-Juan Zheng  郑亚娟 副研究员  (Shandong U.  山东大学)

    Title: Probing Higgs boson CP Properties with ttH at the LHC and the 100 TeV pp collider

    The Higgs boson H has the largest coupling to the top quark t among the standard model (SM) fermions. This is one of the ideal places to investigate new physics beyond SM. In this work, we study the potential of determining Higgs boson CP properties at the LHC and future 33 TeV and 100 TeV pp colliders by analysing various operators formed from final states variables in ttH production. The discrimination power from SM coupling is obtained with Higgs boson reconstructed from H → γγ and H → bb. We find that ttb¯b process can provide more than 3σ discrimination power with 300 /fb integrated luminosity in a wide range of allowed Higgs to top couplings for the LHC, the 33 TeV and 100 TeV colliders. For ttγγ the discrimination power will be below 3σ at the LHC, while for 33 TeV and 100 TeV colliders, more than 3σ sensitivity can be reached.

    Time: Oct 14 (Fri) 3:00pm

    Venue: Physics building 103, SCU