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    以色列理工学院Futoshi YAGI博士报告


    来源: 本站

    Speaker: Dr. Futoshi YAGI (Technion, Israel)
    Title: Fiber-base duality and global symmetry enhancement

    Some of the five dimensional (5d) supersymmetric gauge theories are known to have ultraviolet (UV) fixed point with enhanced global symmetry.  Especially, 5d N=1 SU(2) gauge theory with N_f flavor has E_{N_f+1} global symmetry at UV fixed point.  We discuss that this enhanced global symmetry can be manifestly seen at the level of Nekrasov partition function if we redefine the Coulomb moduli parameter properly.  We also see that "fiber-base duality", which is geometric property of the corresponding Calabi-Yau geometry, plays an important role to understand this global symmetry enhancement.

    Time: Dec 28 (Wed) 4:00PM
    Venue: Physics Building room 323