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    韩国高等研究院Joonho Kim博士报告


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    Date: 2017.05.12 (Friday) 2PM
    Place: Rm 323, Physics Building, Sichuan University
    Speaker: Dr. Joonho Kim (金俊昊) (KIAS)

    Title: Little strings and T-duality

    Little string theories are non-gravitational string theories defined in six dimensions. Their tensor branches are described by 6d effective gauge theories whose instanton solitons are macroscopic little strings. I will discuss about 6d N=(1,0) little string theories obtained from type IIA/IIB NS5-branes probing AD(E) singularities, deriving 2d SUSY gauge theories that control the worldsheet dynamics of little strings. The worldsheet gauge theories can be used to compute the tensor branch partition functions of little string theories. I will establish T-duality between apparently different little string theories by utilizing their BPS spectra as a probe. This result also confirms various 5d/6d dualities as they can be derived from T-duality of little string theories.