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    韩国高等研究院Jin-Beom Bae博士报告


    来源: 本站

    Date: 2017.10.27 (Friday) 14:00

    Place: Rm 323, Physics Building 物理馆323

    Speaker: Dr. Jin-Beom Bae (KIAS, Korea)


    Title: Constraining Two dimensional CFTs with Modular Invariance



    In this talk, I will discuss how the modular invariance can be used to determine the partition fuction of various two dimensional CFTs. To solve the constraints come from the modular invariance, we used the semi-definite programming imposing the twist gap in spectrum. We find the level-one WZW models with Degline's exceptional series and extremal CFTs are reailzed on the numerical boundary. Moreover, we also checked that the solutions of the semi-definite programming successfully reproduce the known partition function of WZW models and extremal CFTs. With the modular bootstrap program, we newly determined the modular invariant partition function of c=8, c=16 and c=47/2 CFTs without Kac-Moody symmetry.