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    报告人:王  博士


     Topological order and long-range entanglement   in strongly interacting cold-atom systems

    要:Topological order in 2D defines a brand-new type of quantum phases. Non-abelian topologically ordered many-body systems are believed to be the best candidate for fault-tolerant quantum computation. Topological order has been shown closely related to the ground-state entanglement of many-body systems, and has thus refreshed our understanding of quantum phases and phase transitions. In this presentation, I will introduce the motivation and the basic ideas for realizing topological order in many-body-system models for strongly interacting cold-atoms systems and discuss the entanglement nature of certain such realized topological order.

      介:王巍博士 现为德国马克思普朗克复杂系统研究所(Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems)博士后研究员,从事多体量子系统的拓扑与纠缠性质研究。王巍博士于2017年毕业于美国俄克拉荷马大学物理与天文系并获得哲学博士学位。

