普林斯顿大学等离子体物理实验室Leonid Zakharov研究员报告
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报告题目:Low recycling plasma regime for high performance burning plasma:P_DT>25 MW, Q_DT >5 for JET-like parameters
报告专家:Leonid E Zakharov
Leonid Zakharov是普林斯顿大学等离子体物理实验室高级物理研究员,主要研究方向是磁场环境下液态锂流动、锂壁托卡马克反应聚变堆等,提出了较完整的锂壁磁约束聚变概念。
Recycling of plasma particles on material surfaces represents a powerful mechanism of cooling the plasma edge and the suppression of recycling by pumping out plasma particles by flowing liquid lithium represent not yet utilized reserve in enhancement of plasma performance. Close to 1 in conventional regimes, recycling was dropped to 0.85 in TFTR, to 0.50-0.75 in CDX-U with lithium tray, and transitionally to almost 0 in LTX with lithium coated shell around the plasma. In combination with NBI fueling the realistically low (0.5) recycling results in a new, as I called it, "the best possible confinement regime" when thermal conduction in plasma core ceases to play a role in energy losses. Instead, particle diffusion determines confinement, which in turn is determined by the best confined component (i.e., ions). The technology of flowing liquid lithium (24/7-FLiLi) for pumping plasma particles can be realistically developed and suggested for implementation of new confinement regime in burning plasma on JET. Specifically for JET-like parameters (Ipl = 3 MA, Btor = 3 T) this would result in the following DT performance:fusion power PDT = 22-26 MW, fusion efficiency QDT = 5.7-6.4, tritium burn up 7.8-8.7 %, NBI power PN BI = 4 MW, EN BI = 120 keV.