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    题目:What  we learn from oxide interfaces   

    特邀专家:张坚地 教授




     Prof. Jiandi Zhang received B.S. and M.S. degrees in physics from the  Nanjing University of Science and Technology in 1982 and the Chinese Academy of  Science (CAS) in 1986, respectively. Then he was on the faculty of Shanghai Jiao  Tong University between 1986 and 1989. He received his Ph.D. degree in physics  from Syracuse University in 1994, spent about one year at University of  Nebraska-Lincoln and 3 years as a postdoc fellow at Oak Ridge National  laboratory/the University of Tennessee prior to joining the Florida  International University as a faculty member in 1998. Starting from 2009, he  became a full professor in physics at Louisiana State University. He is also a  visiting professor at CAS since 2007. He has published more than 110  peer-reviewed research articles. He is a fellow of American Physical Society.  

    Detailed about Zhang’s research group can found at  http://www.phys.lsu.edu/material-physics/     



    It has  become increasingly clear that surfaces, interfaces, thin films and  heterostructures of TMOs display a rich diversity of fascinating quantum  phenomenathat are related, but not identical to, the bulk properties, while the  origin is still fiercely contested. In this talk, by introducingour ability in  fabricate atomically sharp interfaces and characterizingtheir properties down to  atomic resolution, I will demonstratethe importance in determining the  structure-property relationship in understanding the emergent new phenomena at  interfaces. I will useseveral prototype examples to illustratethat  thecombination of growth and characterization techniques not only allow us to  uncoverthe natureof conventional interfacebut also expand the opportunitiesto  explore novelquantum functionalitiesat unconventional  interfaces.

    *Supported by US U.S. DOE under Grant No. DOE DE-SC0002136 as well  as NSF under Grant No. NSF  DMR-1608865.


